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crash athlete
WPTH Coach


Designed for the gym owner/coach/trainer, providing both the programming and the explanation for the way it’s been written. At CrossFit CRASH, we consistently use anywhere from 15-25 minutes for the whiteboard brief and workout-specific warmup. This time is crucial, not only for delivering the most important points of the workout but for building report with the class and personalizing the session. I encourage coaches to either use a set warmup for all classes, or give the specific coach for each class the freedom to conduct their own. The workout time is utilized effectively with none wasted. Our members love and expect lots of direction with no down time.

What’s included?

We do not program rest days at CRASH, on the WPTH program. Some of our members like to move EVERY DAY. Some have schedules that make for very sporadic and inconsistent training days week to week. Because of this, there are specific days (Thursdays and Sundays) that are designed to be great days for fitness but with less potential wear and tear than most training days. Lower impact, light loading, longer time domains. Please pick recovery days for yourself or you community that you deem appropriate.

What to expect?

• 7 Workouts/Week

• Target Scores/Time Caps

• Whiteboard Brief/Intended Stimulus

• Scaling Considerations

• Equipment Modifications

• Large Class/Limited Equipment 

•Seeing the programming EXACTLY how it will be presented to our on-site community.

•You will follow along with the EXACT training week that our members are doing week to week.

•No less than 2 days of strength work

•Some form of metabolic conditioning daily.

•Thursdays to be lower impact, oftentimes aerobic-based, but not always.

•Partner workouts Wednesday & Saturday (Individual option will be provided)

•Higher level gymnastics (muscle ups, rope

Climbs, handstand variations, etc) programmed weekly

•INTERVALS…sprint and pace intervals are utilized 3-4 times weekly.

•Odd objects (Sled variations, DB, KB, Sandbags, etc) programmed weekly

•”Burn”- Sundays dedicated to cyclical machine intervals, always low impact and dedicated to building aerobic capacity and/or threshold.




  • Deadlift



    **TNG (Touch-N-Go), rest 2:00 between



    This is the first week of a simple Deadlift progression for Mondays. Next week will be 5 x 8, then 5 x Athletes should be encouraged to start with a load that feels VERY light. As always, the goal is quality movement over load. If less experienced athletes are not ready to perform TNG (touch-n-go) reps, performing 10 singles with a quick reset, is perfectly fine. Please feel free perform less sets (3-4) of 10 if the need for the extended warmup is required for your group of clients. Stay consistent for the remainder of the progression if the set number is modified for week 1.



    5 Rounds

    2:00 ON/2:00 OFF

    200’ Plate Push (45)

    Max Cal Echo Bike



    Today’s Conditioning workout should be all about repeatable intensity. The Plate Push is performed on turf at CRASH, but can be performed on some rubber flooring as well. Whether performing the movement as prescribed, scaling the distance or substituting equipment, the movement should take at least 60s, but no longer than 90 seconds. Athletes should be encouraged to push the pace on the bike knowing that 1:1 rest is coming! It will be difficult not use the bike as “recovery,” but remind them, it’s supposed to burn, and it’s only 10 minutes of work…don’t baby it!


    Scaling Considerations

    —30s minimum to accumulate bike (machine) Cals.


    Equipment Modification Options

    •Plate Push

    —100-150’ Walking Lunge

    —10 Shuttle Runs (25’+25’=1)

    —30 Box Jump Overs-Step Down (24)

    —20 DB Step Ups (1x50/35)-anyhow (20)


    •Echo Bike

    —Any machine (Row, Run, Bike, Ski)

    —Double or Single Unders


    Large Class/Limited Equipment Options

    —Stagger heats with some athletes working on the 2:00 “ON” and others on the 2:00 “OFF.”

    —Group athletes into “teams” of 3. Waterfall the Plate Push or modified movement

  • Strength

    Every 2:00 for 10:00

    6 UNBROKEN Bench Press (across)

    60’ UNBROKEN Sled Pull (across)



    For the following 6-8 weeks, we will do some form of upper body push/pull strength work before or after the conditioning on Tuesday or Thursday. For today specifically, athletes will have the freedom to pick their own loads. It is important that athletes pick a load for both the Bench Press and Sled (or substitution) that allows them to do the reps/distance unbroken, and further complete BOTH movements in under 1:00. The loads should feel challenging, but not hard to complete until sets 4 and 5.


    Scaling Considerations

    •Bench Press

    —use a load that allows for unbroken sets throughout

    •Sled Pull

    —use a load that allows for completion in 30s or less.


    Equipment Modification Options

    •Bench Press

    —DB or Barbell Shoulder Press or Push Press

    —DB or Barbell Floor Press


    •Sled Pull

    —Legless Rope Climb or Rope Climb (30s)

    —Strict Pull (Pull Ups, Supine Bar or Ring Rows)


    Large Class/Limited Equipment Options

    —Stagger heats on the minute

    —Have athletes alternate reps on Rope Climb if using that substitution for Sled Pull.



    EMOM for 16:00 (same minute)

    8 Wall Balls (30/20 to 10/9)

    4 Box Jump Overs (30/24)-no bounding

    2 Ring Muscle Ups



    This EMOM is programmed with the intended stimulus of unbroken movements throughout. The best athletes will complete all three movements for the prescribed number of reps in 45 seconds or less. Athletes should be encouraged to move smoothly each minute without a ton of urgency. The goal is here is for the workout to get progressively more difficult, as heart rate increase, rep count compiles, and muscle stamina gets tested. The majority of athletes would benefit from using a 6/4/2 rep scheme or even 4/2/1, depending on movement selection and experience level. Whatever the rep scheme, athletes should be encouraged to finish what they start…aka, decide on a rep scheme before the EMOM begins, and stick with it until completion.


    Scaling Considerations

    •Wall Balls

    —lighter med ball

    •Box Jump Overs

    —lower box

    •Ring Muscle Ups

    —low ring transitions, Bar Muscle Ups, Burpee Pull Ups (keep in mind Devil Press Wednesday), Pull Up variation 2:1, Ring Dips/Matador Dips 2:1


    Equipment Modification Options

    •Wall Balls (30/20)

    —Use lighter ball to higher target (20 to 11’)


    Limited Equipment/Large Class Options


    —Have some athletes start on muscle ups while others start on Wall Balls

  • Partner Workout

    10 Rounds For Time:

    (Alternating movements)

    21 GHD Sit Ups

    15/12 Cal Ski

    9 Devil Press (50s/35s)


    A1 will perform GHDSU, A2 will perform Cal Ski, A1 will perform DP, A2 will perform GHDSU, and so on.



    This format is used to encourage athletes to perform “chunk work” that may oftentimes not be possible without ample rest before and after. All team members should pick movements and rep schemes that they are SURE they can complete in 1:00 or less. This would mean that each round is completed in 3:00 or less, for a total workout completion time of 30:00 or faster. There is lots of purposeful midline interference in this triplet.


    Scaling Considerations

    •GHD Sit Ups

    —decrease volume per set

    —substitute V Ups, DB Sit Ups, Toes To Bar/Ring

    •Cal Ski

    —decrease Cals to finish under 1:00 throughout

    •Devil Press

    —decrease DB load or reps to finish under 1:00 throughout


    Equipment Modification Options


    —V Ups, DB Sit Up (50/35), Toes To Bar



    —Any Concept 2 machine

    —Avoid typical movements that would substitute nicely for SkiErg (Plate or Dball Ground To Overhead, etc) as there will be too much similarity in the movement pattern of the Devil Press


    •Devil Press

    —Burpees x2 rep scheme

    —Single Arm Devil Press (70/50)

    —Plate Burpee Ground To Overhead

  • Pace Intervals

    Every 10:00 for 30:00

    750m Run

    75 Double Unders

    750m Row

    75 Double Unders



    Thursdays are most oftentimes written to give the body an opportunity to move without too much impact or wear and tear on the joints. Today’s are meant to be very aerobic in feel, so those without the skill of Double Unders should be encouraged to keep that work time for each set within the interval at 1:00 or less. Today would also be a great day to use as an opportunity to practice Double Unders in a fatigued setting for no more than a total of 6:00 (1:00, twice per interval for 3 intervals). These pace intervals are written to be completed in 8:00 or less. The runs and row should be completed in 3:00 or less. As always, the goal is consistency in effort. Ideally, there would be no more than 30 seconds or variation between the fastest interval and slowest interval.


    Scaling Considerations


    —decrease distance to finish in 3:00.

    •Double Unders

    —decrease reps to finish in 1:00.

    —jump for 1:00 “for reps” and continue.


    Equipment Modification Option

    Run (weather)

    —This is 3-4 minutes of running for most athletes, so you could perform 30 Shuttle Runs (25’+25)

    —Echo: 50/40 Cals

    —BikeErg: 1600m

    —Ski: 750m

  • Strength

    Every 2:00 for 10:00

    10 Back Squats

    5 Front Squats


    *Use the same load for both squat variations



    This strength session is meant to mirror the Deadlift progression for Monday. It will be very simple and linear from week to week and last for 8 weeks. Sets (5) and format (every 2:00) will remain the same as the weeks progress, as the reps decrease and the load increases. Athletes  should be encouraged to start at a VERY light weight for week 1, being able to complete all 15 reps in less than 1:00. This is 75 squats! It will feel more like a “metcon burn” for the first couple weeks. That’s ok. It should! Athletes should move with the primary focus of mechanics and quality movement, as always.



    AMRAP in 6:00


    Hang Power Clean (95/65)

    Handstand Push Ups


    Rest 6:00


    AMRAP in 6:00


    Toes To Bar

    Shoulder To Overhead



    Today’s back-to-back couplets are written to create a muscular stamina limiting stimulus before a metabolic one. The barbell movement should be light enough that regardless of how deep into the rep scheme the athlete gets, they will be able to hold on to complete it unbroken. The gymnastics movement for both couplets should be the limiting movement. Both couplets are written with complimentary movements. The first couplet has a barbell pull (hang) and bodyweight push. The second couplet has a bodyweight pull (hang) with a barbell push. Encourage athletes to use hips and legs as much as possible despite how light the loading is.


    Scaling Considerations

    •Hang Power Cleans/Shoulder To Overhead

    —decrease load to allow for unbroken sets

    •Handstand Push Ups

    —pick a rep scheme that allows for unbroken sets for the first 5 rounds (ie 1-2-3-4-5…)

    —substitute another gymnastics press variation (pike HSPU, dips, push ups, hand-release)

    •Toes To Bar

    —pick a rep scheme that allows for unbroken sets for the first 5 rounds (ie 1-2-3-4-5…)

    —substitute another hanging gymnastics movement (knee raises, leg lifts, alternating single-leg toes to bar)

    —substitute another gymnastics flexion movement (V Ups, sit ups, dragon flags)


    Equipment Modification Options




    Large Class Options

    —We have to do this almost every time a non-rig gymnastics movement is programmed (inversion, rope climbs, etc). YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

    —If you have the wall space or a limited number of athletes who are performing HSPU, having them all perform it as written is always ideal.

    —Have half of the class start on one couplet and the other half on the other.

    —Encourage athletes to pick which skill they want the most work on (HSPU or TTB) and perform it first, before the fatigue has compounded.

  • Partner Workout

    Against a 30-minute continuous clock

    (3 Rounds EACH, alternating between A&B)



    AMRAP in 5:00

    50/40 Cal BikeErg

    30 KB Goblet Step Ups (70/53 to 20”)

    Max Burpees Over Barricade (12”)



    AMRAP in 5:00

    50/40 Cal BikeErg

    30 KB Goblet Step Back Lunges

    Max Reps Rope Climbs


    One works. One rests


    Score 1: TOTAL Burpees completed

    Score 2: TOTAL Rope Climbs completed




    Today’s partner workout uses a 30:00 running clock with 2 different AMRAP triplets of 5 minutes in duration. Therefore, each team will perform 3 AMRAPs of A and 3 AMRAPs of B (6 total). The format is one works, one rests. The intended stimulus of the AMRAPs should “legs and lungs” for most athletes throughout. Although the Burpees and Rope Climbs require a lot of upper body pressing and pulling, both Jumping over the barricade and bringing the legs high on the rope will further fatigue the hip flexors, making the subsequent bike increasingly icky. :)


    Scaling Considerations

    •Cal BikeErg

    —decrease the cals to be finished in Under 2:30



    Equipment Modification Options


    —Any C2 machine will work, but I recommend 45/35 for row or ski (Echo same) since this requires more upper body going into the goblet position


    —Can be subbed for DB or Sbag at the same loading…stay in the front rack/goblet position to preserve stimulus.

    •Burpees Over Barricade

    —Bar-Facing, Parallette-Facing or Line-Facing works just fine here…don’t jump over anything higher than ~12” to keep speed high.

    •Rope Climbs

    —Multiply number of ropes you have by 2 and that’s the number of teams you can accommodate since some can start on the Burpee AMRAP and others on the Rope Climbs. If you still don’t have enough, split those in half again and perform a Pull Up variation for 2 of the AMRAPs and Rope Climbs for the other so that all teams get an opportunity to climb the rope.


    Large Class Options

    —Instruct half of the class (teams) to start on A while the others start on B.

    —Substitute another machine of choice for A or B.

  • Teams of 3


    For Time:

    A1: 600/400 Cal Echo (Co-Ed 500)

    A2: 600/500 Cal Ski (Co-Ed 550)

    A3: Rest

    *rotate as desired until all calories are completed


    This is a common format used for “Burn” class on Sundays. Remember, the weekly goal for Burn is to provide a great workout without any wear and tear on the body leading into a new week on Monday. Typically, the workouts will include machines, running, jump rope, low-skill bodyweight movements, and occasionally light external loads in the form of DBs, KBs and sleds. Burn classes are an AMAZINGLY accessible option for members to bring a friend or family members  may have trepidations about barbell and/or high skill gymnastics movements.



    Since the format is set up with 2 athletes always working and 1 resting, encourage teams to decide on a rotation strategy that prevents fatigue on either machine and keeps efforts high and sustainable. Once either machine’s calories have been completed, that becoming a second rest station, and the team members will then rotate until the last machine’s calories are finished. or friends that are interested in trying a class for the first time but might have expressed trepidations about barbells or complex gymnastics.


    Scaling Considerations

    •This workout should be completed in 40:00 or less.

    •Add a 4th teammate and perform the workout as 2 work, 2 rest.


    Equipment Modification Options

    —Echo/Ski: Any C2 machines would work here, preferably those not used in Saturday’s partner workout. I recommend Row be 650/600/550.


    Large Class Options

    —Perform same workout as Teams of 4, with 2 working and 2 resting. This will only allow for more intensity (1:1), not a lesser workout.

    —Perform same workout as Teams of 4, adding a third machine or a low impact bodyweight movement like Burpees.

crash athlete


Looking to level up? Our additional programs are built to meet you where you are and push you further. Whether you're an athlete hungry for more, a coach looking to sharpen your craft, or someone who just wants to squeeze in a quick, effective workout, we’ve got you covered. These programs are no-nonsense, high-impact, and built to deliver results.



Affiliate | Garage | Athlete

• 7 Workouts/Week

• Target Scores/Time Caps

• Equipment Modifications

• Individual Option (Partner Workouts)



Supplementary | Time Constraint | Travel

• 8 Workouts/Month (2/Week)

• 8 Minutes or Less

• Various Formats

(For Time/AMRAP/EMOM,etc)

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